Monday 25 January 2016

Year in Review-2013

So...been awhile since I have written and I am trying to get caught up so I will trying to get go by the years till current and then lets see if I can stay current (hahaha)'s a goal anyways!

2013 we moved into our house with of course was first started with having to pack up our old house. That of course was a difficult time because I was SO tired and really didn't want to pack up a WHOLE house but all I could do was take it one step at a time and do my best. Everything was going good till a week before when I went to move a picture into a box and the glass fell out and straight into my foot and severed a tendon in my foot. Well off to the hospital and not I needed surgery, a stay in the hospital, wheelchair and no way could I help anymore...seriously...this was definitely NOT what I needed...well I guess it is what it is! Good thing we had LOTS of help and the girls were coming so they could really do what needed to be done. So ALL I could do was sit at the new house on the day of the move and tell the movers where to put crazy. I then had to crawl everywhere, wow! But after 8 weeks life was much better, things were organized, I had lots of help and things were totally together which was AWESOME!

Had a great year in our new house, enjoying our hot tub and getting to know our not so nice neighbors (hahaha). We starting using both lakes more which was kind of nice too as we are more central to the area. We had lots of visitors up like Paula and Steve at their house and then the girls with their friends which was awesome...I LOVE summertime!

I just over my physio with my foot when I had a little accident where I slipped and fell in Safeway and therefore I was injured again on my right side (seriously...I don't know why I have all my injuries on that side).

I find that the summers I feel ok but then I am slammed in the fall and once again, it happens...I feel horrible and all I can do is try to get through my days. It was nice to have Braydon and Sierra and Nathan and Brittany come up for Christmas though, that was very nice as it makes it Christmas. We played games, laughed, opened WAY too many presents and laughed...did my best to just get through the day without feel sick! It was our first Christmas in our new house, to new beginnings...lets see what 2014 brings!

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